RRB NTPC CBAT Exam city slip released, check direct download link and exam date
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the RRB NTPC CBAT Exam City slips for pay level 2 and 5 candidates on its official and regional websites. Candidates can download the RRB NTPC CBAT exam city slip directly from the board's official website rrbcdg.gov.in.
Candidates will have to fill RRB registration number and date of birth on the portal to download the RRB NTPC 2022 exam city slip.
Candidates who have cleared the RRB NTPC CBT 2 Test are eligible to appear for the Computer Based Aptitude Test. The Computer Based Aptitude Test will be conducted on July 30.
RRB NTPC CBAT Exam city slip download: Steps explains
Step 1: Visit RRB's official website – rrbcdg.gov.in
Step 2: Click on the link that reads ‘Weblink to view City-Slip for CBTST’
Step 3: Enter your registration number and date of birth
Step 4: Your RRB NTPC 2019 CBAT Exam city slip will be displayed on the screen
Step 5: Download and take a printout of the same.
The RRB NTPC city slip will have details like city, date of exam, exam time, reporting time, gate closure time, exam start time and shift.
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