CAI CA exam May 2020 postponed: Here are the new dates
The Institute of chartered accountants of India or ICAI has released a notification, pushing back the dates of CA May exams. ICAI announced that the exams scheduled to be held in May 2020, have now been postponed.
The Institute of chartered accountants of India or ICAI has released a notification, pushing back the dates of CA May exams. ICAI announced that the exams scheduled to be held in May 2020, have now been postponed. As per the notice, the exams will now be held in June- July.
“In the view of Covid- 19 pandemic and in the interest of the well-being of the students, the Chartered Accountant examinations initially scheduled from May 2 to May 18 stand rescheduled and the said examinations shall now be held from June 19 to July 4," said the CA exam regulator in a notification.
“Foundation course exam is to be held along with Final Group II examinations on 27, 29 June and 1, 3 July and the post qualification course examination-INTT-AT is to be held along with Final Group II exam on 27, 29 June, whereas ITL and WTO exam is to be held along with 4 papers, group 1 of intermediate (IPC)/ intermediate exam," also read the notice released on the official website.
ICAI CA new exam dates
Foundation Course Exam Under New Scheme
June 27, 29, 2020 and July 1,3, 2020.
Intermediate (IPC) Course Examination Under Old Scheme
Group 1: June 20, 22, 24 and 26, 2020
Group 2: June 28, 30, 2020 and July 2, 4, 2020.
Intermediate Course Examination Under Old Sche
Group 1: June 19, 21, 23, 25, 2020
Group 2: June 27, 29, and July 1, 3, 2020
Final Course Exam – Under Old Scheme
Group 1: June 19, 21, 23, 25, 2020
Group 2: June 27, 29, 2020 and July 1, 3, 2020
Final Course Exam – Under new scgeme
Group 1: June 19, 21, 23,25, 2020
Group 2: June 27, 29, 2020 and July 1, 3, 2020
International Trade Laws and World Trade Organisation, Part I Exam
Group 1: June 20, 22, 2020
Group 2: June 24, 26, 2020
International Taxation Assessment Test
June 27, 29, 2020
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