RPSC exam date 2018 declared; this where you can check
Nearly 2,000 posts of teachers are vacant in the state's 252 government colleges and RPSC has been designated to fill 850 of these posts, according to the Minister for higher education, Bhanwar Singh Bhati.
RPSC exam date 2018: Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has announced the exam dates on rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in for competitive exam to be held after June, 2019. The RPSC has issued the dates for the various exams including RAS and RTS Combined Competitive (Main) exam 2018, Senior Teacher- special education exam-2018 by Secondary Education Department, Lecturer - School - exam 2018 by Secondary Education Department, Physiotherapist Screening Test 2018 by Medical and Health Department, Lecturer-School- exam-2018 by Sanskrit Education Department, State Engineering Services Competitive (Mains) exam, 2018, and ACF and Range Officer Grade- I exam, 2018 (Forest Department).
RPSC exam dates 2019: Dates announced for exams in June, July and August.
The dates of the exams are as follows:
1. RAS and RTS Combined Competitive (Main) exam 2018: 25-06-2019 to 26-06-2019
2. Senior Teacher- special education exam-2018 by Secondary Education Department: 03-07-2019 and 05-07-2019
3. Lecturer - School - exam 2018 by Secondary Education Department: 15-07-2019 to 19-07-2019 and 22-07-2019 to 25-07-2019
4. Physiotherapist Screening Test 2018 by Medical and Health Department TSP & NON TSP: 30-07-2019
5. Lecturer-School- exam-2018 by Sanskrit Education Department: 06-08-2019 to 09-08-2019
6.- State Engineering Services Competitive (Mains) exam, 2018: 19-08-2019 to 23-08-2019
7. ACF and Range Officer Grade- I exam, 2018 (Forest Department.): 28-08-2019 to 31-08-2019 and 02-09-2019 to 05-09-2019
Nearly 2,000 posts of teachers are vacant in the state's 252 government colleges and RPSC has been designated to fill 850 of these posts, according to the Minister for higher education, Bhanwar Singh Bhati.
11:14 pm