Fri, Mar 01, 2024
The Gujarat government said that with the latest DA hike, the dearness allowance of state government employees would now increase to 46 per cent as compared with 42 per cent earlier. It has also raised its NPS contribution, while the calculation for employees' LTC cash conversion has also been revised.
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Fri, Nov 03, 2023
National Pension Scheme: Now you can systematically withdraw the maturity amount after retirement from your NPS account, but the question is how to withdraw it?
Mon, Aug 21, 2023
The National Pension System (NPS) is a programme open to all employees from both public and private sectors, through which they can build a corpus fund for retirement. The NPS investments also offer a deduction of 10 per cent of basic salary and DA in a financial year under Section 80 CCD of Income Tax Act, 1961.
Thu, Jun 15, 2023
NPS: Everyone wants his old age to pass comfortably without any financial troubles. For this, they make small and big investments, which provide them a big fund after retirement. If a good amount of money keeps coming in hand every month, then the tension of money will end in old age and life will pass comfortably. We are telling you four such guaranteed pension schemes.
Mon, Feb 12, 2018
NPS is termed as contribution retirement savings scheme developed to enable the subscribers for making decisions regarding their future through systematic savings during their working life.
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